During the last week of June, an INPO technical session was at the Tecnatom headquarters in San Sebastian de los Reyes, with the objective of analysing the optimisation of the processes for the access of contractor personnel to the Spanish nuclear power plants. The technical team was made up of Paul McNulty, the manager of the INPO Radiological Protection area, Teddy Reed, the manager responsible for Access Services at Duke Energy, and Willie Harris, the corporate manager for Radiological Protection at Exelon.
On June 27th the working team focussed on gaining insight into the processes for access control applied at the plants to contractor personnel from the administrative, training, radiological protection, safety, industrial, medical and security points of view.
On the following day there was a work meeting with those responsible for access to the Spanish plants, during which an analysis was made of the recommendations that the INPO team considered to be relevant, on the basis of their experience and their implementation in the USA as a result of the Delivering the Nuclear Promise initiative.
Finally, on June 29th, a meeting was held with the managers of all the Spanish nuclear power plants, at which the measures implemented at the US plants to optimise the access of personnel were presented, along with recommendations and actions deriving from the session.