Support for the renewable integrated control center

Control rooms are essential for the safety and correct operation of any electric power plant. They monitor and analyze everything related to the process, detect incidents that occur during generation and take the necessary actions in accordance with operating procedures. It happens that, unlike conventional generation plants such as thermal or nuclear power plants, in … Read more

Advances on the ITER simulation platform project

ITER Organization awarded in May 2021 to the consortium formed by Tecnatom and Cosylab the contract for the supply of the simulation platform with which the ITER fusion plant simulator will be developed. Leading simulation companies from ITER member countries participated in the bidding process. The tandem Tecnatom, expert in simulator development and leader of … Read more

The Minister of Defense visits Tecnatom’s ultrasonic and radiographic inspection systems at the Albacete Air Force Base

Last August the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, visited the facilities of the Center of Excellence in Non-Destructive Testing of the Spanish Air and Space Army at its Albacete Training Facility. She made a productive visit during which she received explanations on the operation of the two robotic systems supplied by Tecnatom, the ultrasonic inspection … Read more

Report on Activities 2021

One more year, Tecnatom presents its Report on Activities for the 2021 financial year, which includes the most relevant milestones of the Business Group during the past year. In this report you can find out the consolidated financial figures for both Tecnatom S.A. as of all the subsidiaries of the Tecnatom Group. A summary of the most important … Read more

Modernization of the Distributed Control System of the NPP Full Range Simulator.Cofrentes

Tecnatom has carried out an upgrade of the full-scope simulator at Cofrentes nuclear power plant to modernize the Honeywell distributed control system to the same version available at the plant. As part of the modernization, the entire control system Honeywell TPS has been migrated to an ACE (Application Control Environment) controller. This migration has been … Read more

Integrated control centers – optimizing asset operation efficiency

What are Integrated control centers? The solution traditionally used to operate geographically dispersed power plants is to have an independent control center located at the site of each facility. This solution has major limitations in terms of taking advantage of the synergies related to the operation of the different facilities. An evolution of the traditional … Read more

TecOS VIEW TM: The Power of Interactive Drawings

In power generation plants, professionals of various profiles handle a large amount of documentation, related to a multitude of components distributed in very large installations and information scattered in different table-based management systems. A lot of people, a lot of documentation, a lot of equipment, little context… how can digitization help us to optimize this … Read more

Dual Digital Twin: Digital Transformation to optimize logistics and energy flows

In 2030 there is expected a 50% increase in the volume of goods movement compared to that recorded in 2001. An increase in transport needs will be accompanied by an equivalent increase in the impact on the environment produced by said transport and its associated infrastructures. Furthermore, society is demanding a greener energy generation as … Read more

Collaboration between Tecnatom and The Polytechnic University of Cartagena

At the beginning of this year Tecnatom signed a collaboration agreement between the two entities to provide training sessions for students of the Master’s Degree in Energy and the last years of the degree program of the School of Industrial Engineering. This training, which in turn forms part of the international training provided by the … Read more

Benefits of remote training on simulator

One of the opportunities offered by cloud simulation is the possibility of carrying out remote simulator training. José Enrique Barranco, combined cycle operation instructor for 13 years, who has been a pioneer in this training modality within Tecnatom, tells us about his experience and the benefits that this possibility can bring. How did the opportunity … Read more