Advanced monitoring to optimize fuel, minimize cost and increase the availability of your plant

The high level of sensorization of power generation plants built in recent decades enable to constantly monitor the facilities. In this way, both the deviation in its specific consumption and the potential degradation of the condition of its main equipment can be detected early, in order to take the corresponding corrective actions and optimize the … Read more

TecOS ALERT: Helping with smart alarms management

Introduction Electric power generation plants are often faced with the problem of having to manage avalanches of alarms. During the operation of the plants sometimes the operator is receiving so many alarms on the corresponding control room screen that he is unable to take in all the information that appears. It also occurs frequently that … Read more

Electrical power plants are more reliable thanks to digitalization

digitalizacion de centrales

The electrical generation sector is facing a future of disruptive changes with the implementation of more renewable energy, a higher demand of electricity due to more electric transport and newly developed storage technology.  Power plant digitalization In this context, conventional power plants (mainly nuclear and combined cycle plants) are still a necessity, but under different … Read more

The electricity system evolving towards a smart grid concept

Smart grids tecnatom

Our world is changing at an unprecedented speed, involving challenges such as the population growth, the environmental degradation and the economic recession. As society becomes more reliant on technology, the progressive electrification and decarbonization of economy will intensify leading to a more complex electricical system. The future technologies will need vast quantities of electricity and … Read more

Start-up monitoring system

central de ciclo combinado

The power generation industry is currently facing the need to reduce operating costs while maintaining the safety and availability of power plants. Considering the high performance of non-manageable renewable power plants (solar and wind) that have been in operation over the last two decades, most fossil fuel plants, especially combined cycle plants (CCGT), operate through … Read more

Discover the benefits of intelligent interfaces

tableta con interface inteligente

Intelligent interfaces offer an improved experience for users interacting with distinct control, monitoring or supervision systems, by presenting the information in a visual and intuitive manner. Extra importance is placed on the power to represent information using smart icons, offering additional value to these interfaces. In this article, we discuss the characteristics and benefits of … Read more

From simulation to the digital twin, the keys to a good journey towards intelligence

The digital twin is a virtual replica of an asset or process that, by combining design information, process data and simulation capabilities, allows us to optimize the operation throughout its life. What steps must be followed to build a digital twin? Physical processes or assets that can undertake this journey to intelligence are very diverse … Read more

Computerized procedures systems

sistemas de computorizado

The electric generation sector is currently faced with the need to reduce operating costs without  affecting plant safety and availability. There are digital solutions that are helping with that. Amongst those solutions, there is growing interest in the sector for computerized procedures systems that can be executed and monitored through tablets and computers and which … Read more

A business case for Computerized Procedures

Do the results of the project justify the investment?

This is a key question before addressing any project or investment, the development of a business case in which a detailed definition and understanding of the costs and benefits associated with the project is made, helps us to find the answer.

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Tecnatom desarrollará para ITER Organization su plataforma de simulación de fusión nuclear

El proyecto ITER es uno de los proyectos de inversión más grandes del mundo, en el que colaboran más de 35 países con el objetivo de demostrar la viabilidad de la fusión nuclear como fuente de energía inagotable. Para ello se está construyendo uno de los dispositivos de fusión por confinamiento magnético más grandes del mundo, en el que se probarán tecnologías, materiales y regímenes físicos integrados necesarios para la producción de electricidad basada en la fusión.

Tecnatom forma parte del proyecto aportando la creación de la plataforma de simulación de lo que será el simulador de la sala de control de ITER, la integración de modelos existentes desarrollados por distintos suministradores, la integración del sistema de control CODAC, el desarrollo de modelos adicionales, así como el mantenimiento y la formación en la plataforma.

Digital technologies and monitoring

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Déjanos tus datos para poder descargarte el dosier.

* Campo obligatorio

El responsable del tratamiento de los datos es TECNATOM, S.A. quien los tratará con la finalidad de atender su consulta.

En función de la consulta planteada, podríamos ceder sus datos a las entidades que integran el Grupo TECNATOM. Asimismo, podrán acceder a sus datos los prestadores de servicios de TECNATOM.

Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir sus datos, así como otros derechos, tal y como se explica de forma detallada en nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Al hacer click en el botón “Enviar” declaras conocer y aceptar nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Digital technologies and monitoring

Déjanos tus datos para poder descargarte el dosier.

* Campo obligatorio

El responsable del tratamiento de los datos es TECNATOM, S.A. quien los tratará con la finalidad de atender su consulta.

En función de la consulta planteada, podríamos ceder sus datos a las entidades que integran el Grupo TECNATOM. Asimismo, podrán acceder a sus datos los prestadores de servicios de TECNATOM.

Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir sus datos, así como otros derechos, tal y como se explica de forma detallada en nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Al hacer click en el botón “Enviar” declaras conocer y aceptar nuestra Política de Privacidad.