Do you know what advantages are provided by portable eddy current inspection instruments?

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Throughout the history of aviation there have been numerous accidents caused by aircraft structural failures. In many cases the underlying cause has been fatigue affecting critical components, for example in the case of  Chalk’s Ocean Airways flight 101, in which 18 passengers and 2 crew members died on December 19th 2005. The cause of the … Read more

Tecnatom’s presence at ADIPEC

What an amazing 4 days we spent at the ADIPEC – Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference, with more than 150,000 visitors! We at Tecnatom with our partner Accelerant Solutions had our stand at the Digitalization Area in Hall 14 as part of our pursuit to introduce our outstanding new system SOUL into the … Read more

New Contracts in the Renewable Sector

paneles solares y molinos eolicos

In accordance with international climate agreements, we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 7.6% annually until 2030 if we want to uphold the commitment acquired by the countries participating in the COP21 Paris Agreement. To achieve that difficult challenge, an unprecedented change must be carried out in the energy sector and, therefore, we must make … Read more

Los Guinchos overcomes a power cut in record time

Given their peculiarities (isolation and small size), the electricity systems located off the Spanish mainland are subject to “power cuts”. When this happens, it is vital that the recovery of the electricity system supply be achieved in as agile a way as possible. With this aim in mind, several of the ENDESA fleet plants awarded … Read more

Tecnatom will update the French fleet of nuclear simulators

The French company EdF, the operator of 73 nuclear reactors in France and the United Kingdom, has awarded Tecnatom a contract for the updating of the entire fleet of French 1,300 MWe nuclear power plant simulators. This contract involves the incorporation of a set of modifications to the full-scope simulators in order to bring them … Read more

16th Annual Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Session

The 16th annual inspection, testing and maintenance working session was held at the Tecnatom headquarters in San Sebastián de los Reyes on March 21st. The event was attended by numerous representatives from all the Spanish nuclear power plants, as well as from Iberdrola, ENUSA and UNESA. This traditional session serves as a framework for the … Read more

Tecnatom will inspect the steam generators at Krsko (Slovenia)

Nuklearna Elektrarna Krško (NEK), the company that operates Krsko nuclear power plant, in Slovenia, has awarded Tecnatom a contract for the inspection of the plant’s steam generators during the 2018 refuelling outage. In addition to the eddy current inspection of the steam generator tubes, the scope of the inspection includes the visual inspection of 50% … Read more

Tecnatom supports CEIDEN at the Transfiere Forum

Transfiere, the European Forum for Science, Technology and Innovation, celebrated its seventh edition last September, the purpose being to create a meeting point allowing for the generation of synergies driving innovation, science and technology. A total 1,700 companies and more than 4,500 participants came together in Málaga. With 5.000 research groups, a record to date, … Read more

Powerplant Simulation Conference in the United States

Tecnatom has participated in the Powerplant Simulation Conference, an annual forum organised by the Society for Modelling and Simulation International. This conference centres on the specific needs of the simulation community, applied to nuclear and fossil-fuelled power plants. The 2018 edition was held in Houston, Texas (United States) and included presentations by simulation technology suppliers, … Read more

Tecnatom desarrollará para ITER Organization su plataforma de simulación de fusión nuclear

El proyecto ITER es uno de los proyectos de inversión más grandes del mundo, en el que colaboran más de 35 países con el objetivo de demostrar la viabilidad de la fusión nuclear como fuente de energía inagotable. Para ello se está construyendo uno de los dispositivos de fusión por confinamiento magnético más grandes del mundo, en el que se probarán tecnologías, materiales y regímenes físicos integrados necesarios para la producción de electricidad basada en la fusión.

Tecnatom forma parte del proyecto aportando la creación de la plataforma de simulación de lo que será el simulador de la sala de control de ITER, la integración de modelos existentes desarrollados por distintos suministradores, la integración del sistema de control CODAC, el desarrollo de modelos adicionales, así como el mantenimiento y la formación en la plataforma.

Digital technologies and monitoring

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* Campo obligatorio

El responsable del tratamiento de los datos es TECNATOM, S.A. quien los tratará con la finalidad de atender su consulta.

En función de la consulta planteada, podríamos ceder sus datos a las entidades que integran el Grupo TECNATOM. Asimismo, podrán acceder a sus datos los prestadores de servicios de TECNATOM.

Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir sus datos, así como otros derechos, tal y como se explica de forma detallada en nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Al hacer click en el botón “Enviar” declaras conocer y aceptar nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Digital technologies and monitoring

Déjanos tus datos para poder descargarte el dosier.

* Campo obligatorio

El responsable del tratamiento de los datos es TECNATOM, S.A. quien los tratará con la finalidad de atender su consulta.

En función de la consulta planteada, podríamos ceder sus datos a las entidades que integran el Grupo TECNATOM. Asimismo, podrán acceder a sus datos los prestadores de servicios de TECNATOM.

Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir sus datos, así como otros derechos, tal y como se explica de forma detallada en nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Al hacer click en el botón “Enviar” declaras conocer y aceptar nuestra Política de Privacidad.