Tecnatom in Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Arabian National Water Company (NWC) has awarded Tecnatom a contract for migration of the monitoring and control system and the installation of a historical usage management system at the Al Hunnay water treatment and pumping plant. Tecnatom was chosen for this project in view of its wide experience in the development and supply … Read more

Tecnatom at the UWC in the United States

Tecnatom attended the Utility Working Conference and Vendor Technology Expo in Amelia Island, Florida, last August.  This event is one of the most important nuclear conferences held in the United States, and is organised by the American Nuclear Society. The conference brought together some 900 participants and comprised three plenary sessions and a number of … Read more

Seminar on SAT methodology in Japan

During the month of August last, Tecnatom delivered a seminar on the SAT (Systematic Approach to Training) methodology at the headquarters of the Japan Nuclear Safety Institute  (JANSI), in Tokyo. JANSI was set up in the wake of the Fukushima accident with a view to providing support for the Japanese nuclear industry through the performance … Read more

Participation in the NOMAD project

Tecnatom is participating in the European NOMAD  (“Non-destructive Evaluation System for the Inspection of Operation-Induced Material Degradation in Nuclear Power Plants“) research project.  The objective of this project is to develop an inspection system based on non-destructive testing techniques aimed at ensuring the safe extension of the operational lifetime of nuclear power plants. In the … Read more

Tecnatom delivers training at EPRI, United States

In recent months EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) has delivered a series of conferences to its personnel on different types of technologies: Westinghouse reactors (AP1000 and “traditional” PWR), VVER, CANDU, KWU, etc. The objective of these sessions has been to increase their capabilities as regards the research work they are performing in the nuclear field. … Read more

Le Bourget 2017

Le Bourget 2017The Tecnatom aerospace division has just participated in the latest edition of the number one international aeronautics event, the Paris Air Show Le Bourget. With a stand in the Spanish Pavilion, organised by TEDAE (Spanish Association of Defence, Aeronautical and Space Technologies Companies) in collaboration with the Spanish Institute for Overseas Trade (ICEX), … Read more

Technical session with INPO

During the last week of June, an INPO technical session was at the Tecnatom headquarters in San Sebastian de los Reyes, with the objective of analysing the optimisation of the processes for the access of contractor personnel to the Spanish nuclear power plants.  The technical team was made up of Paul McNulty, the manager of … Read more

Tecnatom provides support for the IAEA in international training

Tecnatom has participated in the Nuclear Energy Management School organised by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the United Arab Emirates.  The event served to train 42 participants from the Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Sudan and aimed to increase awareness of the peaceful use of nuclear energy in areas such as safety, … Read more

We celebrate our 60th anniversary with our partners and clients

On June 28th last, Tecnatom held an event to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the company’s foundation in 1957 with its partners and clients. For sixty years our company has been providing innovative high added value solutions to a multitude of clients across the world, and we have wanted to share with them the satisfaction … Read more

Supply of valves to Argentina

Nucleoeléctrica Argentina S.A. (NA-SA), the owner and operator of the Atucha 1 and 2 and Embalse nuclear power plants, has awarded Tecnatom a contract for the supply of valves and spares to replace the original valves at Atucha 2, supplied by Walton Weir Pacific and Bellucci. This contract contemplates the supply of a total 28 … Read more

Tecnatom desarrollará para ITER Organization su plataforma de simulación de fusión nuclear

El proyecto ITER es uno de los proyectos de inversión más grandes del mundo, en el que colaboran más de 35 países con el objetivo de demostrar la viabilidad de la fusión nuclear como fuente de energía inagotable. Para ello se está construyendo uno de los dispositivos de fusión por confinamiento magnético más grandes del mundo, en el que se probarán tecnologías, materiales y regímenes físicos integrados necesarios para la producción de electricidad basada en la fusión.

Tecnatom forma parte del proyecto aportando la creación de la plataforma de simulación de lo que será el simulador de la sala de control de ITER, la integración de modelos existentes desarrollados por distintos suministradores, la integración del sistema de control CODAC, el desarrollo de modelos adicionales, así como el mantenimiento y la formación en la plataforma.

Digital technologies and monitoring

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* Campo obligatorio

El responsable del tratamiento de los datos es TECNATOM, S.A. quien los tratará con la finalidad de atender su consulta.

En función de la consulta planteada, podríamos ceder sus datos a las entidades que integran el Grupo TECNATOM. Asimismo, podrán acceder a sus datos los prestadores de servicios de TECNATOM.

Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir sus datos, así como otros derechos, tal y como se explica de forma detallada en nuestra Política de Privacidad.

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Digital technologies and monitoring

Déjanos tus datos para poder descargarte el dosier.

* Campo obligatorio

El responsable del tratamiento de los datos es TECNATOM, S.A. quien los tratará con la finalidad de atender su consulta.

En función de la consulta planteada, podríamos ceder sus datos a las entidades que integran el Grupo TECNATOM. Asimismo, podrán acceder a sus datos los prestadores de servicios de TECNATOM.

Tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir sus datos, así como otros derechos, tal y como se explica de forma detallada en nuestra Política de Privacidad.

Al hacer click en el botón “Enviar” declaras conocer y aceptar nuestra Política de Privacidad.