The companies Centrales Nucleares de Almaraz-Trillo, A.I.E. (CNAT) and Tecnatom have successfully culminated the process of renewing two important contracts for the period 2018- 2020: on the one hand the framework agreement that will regulate activities relating to engineering, inspection and testing and, on the other, the new company personnel training contract.
These two agreements contemplate not only the technical and economic aspects of the activities but also Tecnatom’s full commitment to contributing to enhancement of the operational efficiency of the plants through the optimisation of our services and the on-going improvement of their quality.
The signing of this agreement has been possible thanks to the continuous evolution of our equipment, the improvement of our processes and the qualification of our personnel, and has underlined the degree of trust that has been achieved as regards the services rendered by Tecnatom
We are enormously grateful to CNAT for the trust placed in Tecnatom and in its professionals, who will strive daily to ensure that the Spanish nuclear power plants operate safely and efficiently, contributing to the stable and emission-free generation of electricity.