The Dynamic Instructions Editing Tool Requirements (DIRECTOR) initiative was launched in early 2019 in the USA under the leadership of the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). Its mission was to bring together the best experts from four fundamental sources: utilities, vendors, research laboratories and standards institutions, with the objective of developing standards in the field of dynamic instructions (computer-based procedures solutions) and paving the way for the industry in digital transition in the energy world.
With the participation of 196 members from 67 organisations and a strong representation of the US nuclear sector, the working groups have focussed their efforts on providing the industry with guidance with respect to the following key aspects:
- Digital transition strategy
- Conversion of existing procedures
- Editing tool and creation of new dynamic instructions
- Dynamic instruction tools selection criteria
- Common Dynamic Instruction Model
How does Tecnatom participate?
Since the initiative was launched, the INL has entrusted the leadership of one of the 5 working groups to Tecnatom, which has also participated actively in 3 of the others. Furthermore, being a member of the core team of the initiative has facilitated the coordination and integration of different tasks.
Consequently, Tecnatom has collaborated in the achievement of the objectives mapped out: the development in the USA of two official standards published by the PPA (Procedure Professionals Association) that facilitate digital transformation in work management and instructions execution at energy assets.
- Dynamic Instruction Set Editor Functional Requirements and Implementation Considerations
- Common Dynamic Instruction Model
And what now?
The digital transformation of the energy sector is a reality and Tecnatom will continue to work towards providing the best solutions to achieve a successful transition.
Initiatives such as DIRECTOR, and others under way, provide an ideal collaborative framework for the development of new solutions and their alignment with the expectations of the industry, as well as the best references and standards mapping out a path for the operation and management of energy assets.
Work is currently under way on extending DIRECTOR with a view to addressing new challenges related to the use of new technologies and the achievement of added value in plant operation.
Tecnatom continues to apply the wide learning and experience gained from these type of initiatives in the development of new solutions to improve the work performance, such as the TecOS PROCEED computer-based procedures solution.