Tecnatom participated in the workshop held in Shanghai on“Preparedness and Response to Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies”, during which it presented the results of the project “Enhancing the capabilities of China in the field of Nuclear Safety in the areas of emergency management and the management of severe accidents”.
The project is funded by the European Commission with the People’s Republic of China as beneficiary and the Chinese Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA) and the National Nuclear Emergency Response Technical Assistance Centre (NNERTAC), among others, acting as end users. The consortium undertaking this project is made up of a group of European leaders in the field of nuclear emergencies, among them Tecnatom.
The Workshop attracted a large number of participants, with a total 23 specialists and a delegate from the European Commission to supervise performance. Throughout 2016, Tecnatom will host a representation of Chinese experts and managers, the aim being for them to witness the state of the art as regards emergency response centres, an area in which Tecnatom manages the Emergency Support Centre (ESC) for the Spanish nuclear power plants.