TECNATOM participates in the development of the project PEGASO- TECHNOLOGIES FOR ADVANCED SUSTAINING SURFACES IN INDUSTRIALLY OPTIMIZED PREIMPREGNATE, which aims to address research in intelligent, automated and high-cadence manufacturing technologies, as well as new materials that improve the carbon footprint of aircraft and recycling technologies that ensure the circular economy. PEGASO is focused on researching the automated, optimized, economical and eco-efficient manufacturing of a short-range, high-cadence production aircraft wing in carbon fiber prepreg composite material as opposed to the current metallic solution.
TECNATOM brings to the project its long experience in non-destructive testing in the aeronautical sector, which will be materialized in a robotic system that will have ultrasonic inspection and visual inspection capabilities based on learning algorithms, all integrated in a fully automated inspection cell.
This project has been subsidized by the CDTI, with the support of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, with file number PTAG-20211001 through the call for the year 2021 of the procedure for granting aid for Strategic Sectorial Business Innovation Initiatives (“Aeronautical Technology Program”), within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (financed by Next Generation EU funds, including the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism) and the State Program for Business Leadership in R&D&I, of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020.