Tecnatom has been awarded a contract in an international call for bids for the rendering of training services on the modelling of simulation systems for Cernavoda nuclear power plant (Rumania), which belongs to the company Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica SNN.
The services consist specifically of training on thermohydraulic, neutron, electrical and instrumentation and control logic diagram modelling.
The Cernavoda facility, located on the banks of the Danube, is Rumania’s only nuclear power plant, has two CANDU type reactors using heavy water as a neutron moderator and produces around 20% of the country’s electricity, with a total power output of 706 MWe per reactor. There are currently plans for the construction of two new reactors on the same site, groups 3 and 4. This project is under negotiation with the company China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN), which will foreseeably be one of the investors.
This contract extends Tecnatom’s portfolio of services in Rumania, where the company has consolidated its position through the performance of various activities for Cernavoda in recent years.