
Supporting the development of nuclear fusion


Have you heard of ITER?

ITER is undoubtedly one of the most ambitious projects ever undertaken by mankind, not only because it constitutes a challenge in terms of complexity and cost, but also because it involves the coordination of more than 35 countries across the world. This said, what is it about?

The aim of ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is to demonstrate the viability of nuclear fusion as a valid technology for electricity generation. The project addresses the construction of a nuclear fusion reactor at Cadarache, in the south of France.

The ITER fusion reactor is based on magnetic confinement in a toroidal vessel (it is the world’s most powerful “Tokamak”) and is expected to achieve its first plasma in early 2025 (refer to the link).

How does Tecnatom participate in the ITER project?

For many years now, the companies manufacturing the ITER reactor have placed their trust in Tecnatom for the development of equipment and techniques for ultrasonic inspection and operation activities.

Several contracts have been successfully performed over the years for the development and qualification of ultrasonic inspection procedures and the supply of equipment for a variety of components, the following being particularly significant:

  • Vacuum vessel, the most critical component of the ITER (a consortium comprising Ansaldo Nucleare, Mangiarotti and Walter Tosto). Furthermore, Tecnatom supplies the company Equipos Nucleares, S.A. (ENSA) with mechanical systems for the ultrasonic inspection of vacuum vessel assembly welds.
  • Precompression rings, the heaviest element ever made from glass fibre (a project led by Airbus)
  • Toroidal coil boxes, measuring 16.5 metres in height and 9 metres in width, with a weight of 200 tons (under a contract with SIMIC).

Tecnatom is currently involved in new contracts relating to ITER, among others as a third party for the supervision of inspections.  The Company has recently been awarded a new contract for the validation of stainless steel welds performed by means of laser technology, along with the Spanish laboratory AIMEN, which is in charge of fatigue failure and fracture mechanism issues.

What are the next steps?

Since its constitution in 2007, the ITER project has become an increasingly tangible reality and, as has been pointed out above, its initial successes in addressing the challenges posed by nuclear fusion energy are expected by the year 2025.

Work will continue with a view to meeting the needs of ITER and to making fusion a viable, safe and environmentally sustainable way of generating energy.


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Tecnatom desarrollará para ITER Organization su plataforma de simulación de fusión nuclear

El proyecto ITER es uno de los proyectos de inversión más grandes del mundo, en el que colaboran más de 35 países con el objetivo de demostrar la viabilidad de la fusión nuclear como fuente de energía inagotable. Para ello se está construyendo uno de los dispositivos de fusión por confinamiento magnético más grandes del mundo, en el que se probarán tecnologías, materiales y regímenes físicos integrados necesarios para la producción de electricidad basada en la fusión.

Tecnatom forma parte del proyecto aportando la creación de la plataforma de simulación de lo que será el simulador de la sala de control de ITER, la integración de modelos existentes desarrollados por distintos suministradores, la integración del sistema de control CODAC, el desarrollo de modelos adicionales, así como el mantenimiento y la formación en la plataforma.

Digital technologies and monitoring

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Digital technologies and monitoring

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