Tecnatom and the engineering subsidiary of GAS NATURAL FENOSA, Gas Natural Fenosa Engineering, have been awarded the contract for design support engineering for the Centralised Temporary Storage (CTS) facility at Villar de Cañas (Cuenca).
The contract, awarded by Enresa, the public company responsible for the safe management and storage of the radioactive wastes produced in Spain, will cover a period of 40 months and will require the far-reaching dedication of highly specialised resources.
Both Gas Natural Fenosa Engineering and Tecnatom are points of reference in nuclear engineering in Spain, where they have participated in some of the most important projects in the sector. They also have wide experience at international level.
Both companies are already involved in other activities at the CTS facility, along with other partners. Gas Natural Fenosa Engineering has already won two contracts with Enresa for the engineering of the intermediate level waste package storage module and the engineering of the cask holding store.
For its part, Tecnatom has been participating in the engineering of the CTS cask maintenance workshop since 2013, and the achievement of this contract complements other activities in which we are involved with ENRESA, such as dosimetry services at El Cabril and the dismantling of the José Cabrera nuclear power plant, projects relating to the safety culture and engineering activities at El Cabril.