In mid April the World Nuclear Fuel Cycle conference, a high level international forum organised by the Nuclear Energy Institute and the World Nuclear Association, took place in Madrid. This event brought together the most outstanding experts in the field of nuclear fuel, who debated issues affecting the fuel cycle of today’s commercial reactors, with special emphasis on the competitive aspects of the cycle and of nuclear power overall.
Tecnatom sponsored this important international event along with its technology partner in the field of nuclear fuel, ENUSA, taking advantage of the framework offered by the conference to present the consortium recently set up by the two companies and by Equipos Nucleares (ENSA) to jointly address activities relating to the dismantling of nuclear facilities.
Tecnatom also hosted one of the technical visits organised during the conference. The participants visited Tecnatom’s headquarters in San Sebastián de los Reyes, where they had occasion to see our latest technological developments, the latest plant operational support tools and one of our full-scope simulators.