The Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) counsellor Javier Dies visited the TECNATOM headquarters in Madrid this Wednesday. During the visit, several of the company’s managers made an overall presentation, going over the historical background of the company, which this year celebrates its 60th anniversary, and underlining certain of the activities involved, for example, engineering services, inspection, components testing, training services, simulation and control rooms.
Throughout his visit the counsellor showed interest in the company’s training activities and was able to visit both Trillo plant full-scope simulator and the simulators used for the training of nuclear sector experts. In this respect, the counsellor underlined the importance of training in order to maintain adequate levels of nuclear safety at the nuclear power plants.
Dies also visited the installations of the Emergency Support Centre ESC), the objective of which to provide a service supporting the capacities of the nuclear power plants in emergency situations, integrated with the response of the plants. The TECNATOM facilities include the centralised stores with the capacity to house, maintain and mobilise intervention equipment (pumps, mobile and stand-alone electrical generators), as a support to those available at the nuclear power plants.
This visit was part of the programme of institutional visits that counsellor Dies has been performing since his appointment as a member of the plenary of the regulatory authority, since previously he had visited the nuclear power plants of Almaraz, in Cáceres and Trillo, in Guadalajara, the ENUSA facilities in Salamanca, the Alba synchrotron in Barcelona and the Ascó and Vandellós II nuclear, power plants in Tarragona.