Cernavoda nuclear power plant in Rumania awarded Tecnatom a contract for the training of the simulation engineers in charge of maintaining the facility’s simulator. The training courses took place on site at the plant at the end of April.
Through this contract Tecnatom has shared with the Cernavoda engineering team its knowledge of issues such as thermohydraulics, logic and control and electricity grids, as well as our working methodology for the maintenance and updating of nuclear power plant full-scope simulators.
Tecnatom has developed a number of full-scope simulators in recent years in several countries across the world. For this purpose we use in-house technology and simulation tools especially developed by our engineering teams. During this particular course, the personnel of Cernavoda were also provided with information on Tecnatom’s simulation technologies (TeamLogic, TeamElectric, TeamFlow and TRAC-RT, among others).
Tecnatom collaborates closely with this Rumanian CANDU technology plant, which began its operation in the 1980’s undertaking inspection and testing work and supplying components in recent years.